Friends of Grant Park Mounted Police Patrol

The Atlanta Police Department Mounted Patrol Facility is located at the South end of Cherokee Ave. The Grant Park Neighborhood Association is starting a "Friends of" group to help provide volunteers who would like to assist in any way that may be needed, raise funds to fulfill wish list needs for the officers and horses, and raise funds for a more appropriate fence facing Grant St which many neighbors see to and from work. This area of Grant St will also see growth in the way of multi-use development and be a major access road to the Atlanta Beltline. We're getting a head start on beautification!
Neighbors are always welcome to visit the barn to feed the horses and talk with the officers. 
Barn visitation times are from 10am to 2pm, Monday through Friday.
There is also manure available - free for the taking!
For more information please contact:
Jenn Bateman

Friends of Grant Park Mounted Police Patrol
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Posted 8/18/2014 2:57 PM
Updated   11/10/2016