The City of Atlanta is divided into twenty-five Neighborhood Planning Units (NPUs), which are citizen advisory councils that make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on zoning, land use, special events and other planning issues.
To access the remote meeting, register here
Meeting ID: 916 2580 5725
One tap mobile: 646-558-8656, access code, 91625805725#
What is a Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU)?
The City of Atlanta is divided into twenty-five
Neighborhood Planning Units (NPUs), which are citizen advisory councils that make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on zoning, land use, special events and other planning issues.
NPU-W Full Monthly Meeting (open to the public) - 7:00pm, every 4th Wednesday of the month (except November & December which is 3rd Wednesday)
Location: Village Church of East Atlanta, 1231 Glenwood Ave SE Suite B Atlanta, GA United States 30316
Grant Park falls under
NPU-W - Neighbors are encouraged to attend these meetings to vote on important issues related to Grant Park and Southeast Atlanta. You must attend 3 meetings a year to be able to vote, so get your meetings in early!
NPU-W is comprised of:
- Benteen Park
- Boulevard Heights
- Custer/McDonough/Guice
- East Atlanta
- Grant Park
- Oakland
- Ormewood Park
- State Facility
- Woodland Hills