Philanthropic Committee

Non-profits in Grant Park

Want to donate to nonprofits and keep the heart felt giving in your own neighborhood? Check out the nonprofits below!

Nicholas House
“Nicholas House is dedicated to helping homeless families achieve self-sufficiency. We do this by providing temporary housing while addressing the root causes of family homelessness so a family may never be homeless again. We provide supportive services through our shelter on Boulevard, our scattered-site apartment rapid re-housing program Homeless to Homes (H2H), and our newly launched New Horizons program for chronically homeless families. All families have up to two years follow-up after leaving direct services. Throughout our programs are three main goals and three unique factors make Nicholas House the only shelter in Atlanta that provides housing to homeless families regardless of family makeup.

SOPO Bikes
Sopo is a volunteer-driven nonprofit which fosters empowerment and self-reliance in the cycling community through education and providing access to the tools and knowledge needed for people to maintain their own bicycles. We do this by operating a community bike shop, and through outreach programs and partnerships with other local nonprofits. We see the bicycle as more then recreational, it’s a viable means of transportation and self-reliance. To that end, we work with organizations like Habitat for Humanity and the Gateway Center to provide bicycles and education to some of Atlanta’s most under-served and disadvantaged residents.

Emmaus House
Emmaus House’s primary goals are:
Promote economic self-sufficiency and stability for our neighbors. 
Foster the growth and development of our neighbor’s children and youth. 
Engage and support partnerships with organizations both within our neighborhood and outside that can further enhance the wellbeing of our neighbors.

Dance 411 Foundation
The Dance 411 Foundation's mission is to foster the well being of urban youth and adults through self expression by providing quality education and exposure to the art and discipline of dance, drama, & music.

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Education & Children