Citystreet w/ apartments in London.

A newer house that blends in well
with Atlanta's historic Grant Park
When Green Street Properties was formed in the summer of 2001, we adopted the following statement of our Development Principles:
- We believe that the built environment we create has a profound influence on our lives, our behavior, our society, and the natural environment.
- We believe that the principles of good urbanism, based on centuries of human experience, are clear and compelling. These principles are well articulated in The Charter of the New Urbansim. Diversity, walkability, and a mix of uses are among the keys to creating communities that stand the test of time.
- We will apply the principles of good urbanism in all our developments.
- We believe that it is a moral requirement and a practical necessity for humans to re-learn how to live sustainably as a part of nature, rather than acting as consumers and destroyers of nature.
- We will apply design, building, and management practices that emphasize environmental sustainability.
- All of our projects will make money. We want to change the way the real estate development world does business. We will lead by example, and no one will follow our example if we don’t make good money.
- We will help create places that are loveable and memorable.