Public Safety Concerns - January/February 2022

GPNA has been in contact with our City Councilmember Jason Winston, our Public Safety Chair Chris Newman, and our Zone 6 Commander, Major Reis regarding recent incidents involving several car break-ins and confrontations with the offenders.

Effectively immediately, there will be several crime suppression units patrolling Grant Park and nearby neighborhoods. At a minimum the objective is deterrence, but at best it is to identify and subsequently press charges against the individuals responsible. If they are seen in the area, call 911 and communicate to the operator that Major Reis has told Grant Park neighbors to call in the sightings in order to dispatch his officers. If you have been a victim of a crime, please call 911 and make an official report so it's on record. 

The Major is also interested in confirming some of the social media discussions regarding the identities of the individuals on scooters seen committing crimes. If anyone has good information, pictures, or videos on them, please reach out to the commander of Zone 6 investigations LT Dearlove at gadearlove @ Anything that can help the assigned investigators is beneficial.

As for the car windows smashed in Grant Park the morning of January 7, LT reports that NONE of the vehicles had valuables in the car. It is probable the criminals were looking for keys/fobs or weapons. At least one other nearby neighborhood had similar crimes.

Grant Park Security Patrol Officers have also been informed and will spend some additional time in the areas experiencing problems. Not familiar with GPSP? Please check for details and the goals of this neighborhood patrol. 


Public Safety
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