
Mothball Costume Party is right around the corner!

That’s right, GPNA’a annual Mothball costume party is happening November 19th from 8pm to 1am at Pin & Proper at the Beacon.

The theme this year is Science Fiction Double Feature. Remember the old days when science fiction movies were run on tv back to back. First Godzilla, Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, and then the Blob. Then sci-fi hit the movies in the 70’s and we got Star Wars and Star Trek. Now, we have Katniss and Wonder Woman. Come wear your best science fiction outfit. We will have a costume contest with prizes.

Come out and join your neighbors for a fun filled evening of dancing with our dueling DJs and have a blast. We still have a few tables left, but individual tickets are still available. The table decoration contest is always awesome!


Purchase your tickets now!

The Mothball is an historic costume party and fundraiser for the Grant Park Neighborhood Association. The proceeds go to help make Grant Park a better place for all to reside. The Mothball costume party is a tradition of fun and spirits that has lasted over 40 years.

GPNA MothBall 2018 - Science Fiction Double Feature!
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