Land Use and Zoning Meeting tonight

Lots of big items in the agenda tonight, we hope to see you there!

WHAT :  Grant Park Neighborhood Assn.  August Land Use & Zoning Committee Meeting 
WHEN: Thursday, August 3 at 7 p.m.
Where:  Zoo Atlanta ARC Building Ford Conference Room 

Z-17-052               Corner of Eloise and Killian  RG2 to MR3
Z-17-056               701 Memorial Drive Rezoning parcel from unbuildable R5 to R-4B (Not in SPI-22)
Z-17-53                 385 Grant Circle – Down Zoning from Industrial to Mixed Use Townhomes I1 to MR4-A
Z-17-032               350 Memorial Drive, Rezoning of SPI-22 from Sub Area 1 to Sub Area 2*

*The Land Use & Zoning Committee of GPNA will consider an updated  rezoning request by Pellerin Partners to place a 4-story glass office building square in one of the last parcels of the long-anticipated Memorial Drive Greenway Linear Park, intended to connect the State Capitol to Historical Oakland Cemetery.  This rezoning request was pulled from July GPNA LUZ agenda by the developer to make adjustments to gain support from the neighborhood, after neighbors attending July’s Immediate Neighbors Meeting voted unanimously to not recommend any rezoning go forward.   
Here is a synopsis of adjustments included in the updated zoning request:
  • Addition of 40 parking spaces through either a shared parking arrangement with a nearby lot or by construction of underground parking on the site.
  • Elimination of the request to increase current FAR (Floor to Area Ratio) limits on this parcel.   The building’s total square footage has been reduced to stay within the current 2.0 limits, resulting in a 4-story glass office building with an open rooftop deck taking up a portion of the top floor. 
  • Donation by Pellerin of $100,000 toward lighting, trees, seating, and beautification improvements in the adjacent park space between their building and historic Oakland Cemetery,  the area between George St. and Oakland Ave.  (Recipient organization and time frame are not designated.)
Visit for more details and developer’s statement.
Because the revised plan still requires a zoning change to allow for offices to be built in this subarea of the SPI-22, neighbors have a chance to make their voices heard about this project and the updated proposal. 
The GPNA LUZ vote is not binding, but it is one of a number of citizen recommendations that will be taken under advisement as this property moves through the rezoning process to the City Council.  Please make plans to attend and share your opinions!

Land Use & Zoning
More details