Erskine Fountain | July 16 | 5K & Storytelling

Support Efforts to Restore Erskine Fountain!
Two Events | Saturday, July 16

Erskine Fountain 5K Run/Race/Walk - 9:45am
Join the Erskine Fountain Fund for an unofficial 5K run/race/walk through Grant Park. Follow the same course as the "Run Before You Crawl" race course but start and finish at the Erskine Fountain! Run time starts at 9:45. Remy Lemoine of Remy Made will be selling his delicious baked goods at the site, starting at 10:00am and will be donating 10% to the Erskine Fountain Fund. So, come out and get a healthy and deliciously rewarding start to your day.

Stories at Erskine Fountain - 7pm
This will be the 2nd of Erskine Fountain Funds Evenings at Erskine - Stories at The Fountain. If you missed the first event on June 11th, this is your chance to come out and enjoy an evening of family friendly stories told by professional storytellers from the Southern Order of Storytellers. Each teller presents a different type of story ranging from folk tales, fairy tales, personal experiences, family history and oral history. Bring some comfy chairs and a picnic basket so that you can relax and indulge in the tradition of oral storytelling. 
The fountain is located on Cherokee Avenue at the intersection of Ormond Ave. Navigate to 850 Cherokee Avenue SE, Atlanta, GA 30315.
Questions, please contact us at

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