Who We Are

GPNA Needs Your Involvement!

Become a member & join us at a meeting

Membership is available to any resident or business owner that is 18 years or older whose primary place of residence, or place of business, is within the boundaries of Grant Park.  All members are invited and encouraged to participate in our monthly meeting to stay informed about a variety of community concerns including Public Safety, Transportation, Zoning, and Neighborhood Events.  Meetings occasionally include land use rezoning or variance requests, as well as business applications for alcohol licensing.

To be eligible to vote you must have attended at least 1 previous GPNA general or committee meeting.

My GPNA Member Account
  • We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. Meeting details are updated on our GPNA calendar
  • To be eligible to vote you must have attended at least 1 previous GPNA general or committee meeting.
  • If you've attended at least one meeting, please join our voting member group.

Join a committee

There are a variety of committees available--help capture the neighborhood's history, plan the Tour of Homes or MothBall, lead public safety efforts, and more. To get involved, choose a committee and contact the Chair: GPNA Executive Officers & Committee Chairs


GPNA Bylaws on Membership

4.01 Residential Membership in the Association shall be limited to individuals who (1) are at least 18 years of age, (2) reside in the Grant Park neighborhood, as defined by the City of Atlanta in its delimitation of the geographic scope of Neighborhood Planning Unit W, and (3) are registered on the official membership roll.
4.02 Business and Non-Profit Memberships [hereinafter referred to as the Business(es)] in the
Association shall be limited to (1) businesses located within Grant Park neighborhood as defined by the
City of Atlanta and its delimitation of the geographic scope of Neighborhood Planning Unit W, (2) one individual of that business who is a representative of that business, and (3) is registered on the official membership roll.
4.03 To be considered for membership, individuals must register by providing complete and accurate information on the member sign-in sheet available at regular membership meetings of the Association. The Vice-President of the Association shall record any new member on the official membership roll, upon verification of eligibility under Section 4.01 and/or 4.02.
4.04 Membership in the Association is obtained following attendance of one regular membership meeting, assuming both the membership requirements of Section 4.01 and/or 4.02 and the registration requirements of Section 4.03 are met. Voting privileges are obtained by a member upon attendance at their second regular membership meeting.
4.05 Any member may resign by notifying the Vice-President of said intent.
4.06 The Association does not discriminate in its membership on the basis of age, race, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, national origin or citizenship status of the individual member.
4.07 Membership is automatically revoked when a member’s primary residence or business ceases to be in the Grant Park neighborhood, as defined in Section 4.01 and/or 4.02.
4.08 In no event shall any person be eligible for more than one membership vote.

Who We Are