GPNA Committee Chair Election Process and Procedures

GPNA Committee Officer and Chair Election Process and Procedure

GPNA General Membership Meeting Process for Day of Elections
1. Attendees enter the building and are immediately directed, based on first initial of last name, to 1 of 4 or 5 lines staffed by a steering committee member.
2. Attendee shows photo identification to a steering group member; steering member checks attendee's name to membership roll and hands attendee a pre-numbered ballot.
3. Attendee picks up other printed material (agenda, minutes, treasurer report, candidate position sheets, etc. from the table on his/her way into the meeting.
4. Meeting is called to order. 1 steering member remains outside to handle late arrivals.
5. The presiding officer of the meeting shall use judgment on persons remaining in lobby signing in and may begin with regular announcements and committee reports before calling on candidates and closing voting at a time that provides fair timing for everyone in attendance. Voting will remain open no later than 8:00pm
6. Elections procedures are reviewed.
GPNA Election Procedures
1. Per GPNA bylaws:
a. 5.03 Nominations for officers and committee chairpersons may be made at the regular membership meetings in September and October. No further nominations will be accepted after the October meeting adjourns. The election of officers and committee chairs will be held at the November meeting. The terms of officers and chairpersons will run from January 1 to December 31 of the following year.
b. 5.04 On the night of the election, no campaigning for any office shall occur within the building where the election meeting is to be held nor shall any campaigning be allowed in the parking lot for that building.
c. 5.05 Officers and chairpersons must be members of the Association, with eligibility to vote. Officers and chairpersons shall be elected by secret paper ballot, at the annual election meeting, to serve one year or until their successors have been elected.
2. Eligibility to vote requires that a member has attended at least 1 prior GPNA general membership meeting and that the member shows their ID to get their ballot. It is strongly encouraged that you show up 30 minutes prior to the meeting so that the GPNA Steering Group may check you in to get your ballot and elections rules.
3. Candidates may have a written statement, limited to a single sided 8.5” x 11” piece of paper, for people to pick up on the table if they choose to. They cannot be handed out because that would be considered campaigning within the building and in violation of GPNA bylaws
4. The ballots, election procedures, and the contested candidates written statements, if applicable, will be on the table outside the main auditorium for the attending members to pick up 5. Each contested chair candidate has 2 minutes to present their platform. A flip of a coin will determine the order.
6. No interruptions by the candidates or the membership and no questions from the floor. This is not a forum or a debate.
7. No audio or visual presentations
8. The ballot box will be put in the main auditorium at stage right at 7:10 PM and Jay Botwinick and Jeff McCord will ensure it is empty and remain at the ballot box until the voting is over.
9. Ballots shouldn't be touched by anyone else. We'll have pens next to ballot box.
10. Members cast their vote by placing their ballot in the ballot box
11. Presiding officer calls final time to cast votes.
12. Votes are counted by Paul Zucca and Jeff McCord.
13. Results are relayed to presiding officer, who reads them aloud and thanks everyone for participating
14. Should any candidate fail to achieve a majority of votes (51%) for a given office during the first ballot, a second ballot will be conducted between the contested committee chair.
15. Once the election is completed, the general body meeting will continue.

GPNA Meeting Agenda - Tuesday, November 21, 2017
More details